Hydrating Sabja Refresher to Beat the Heat!Recipe CornerHydrating Sabja Refresher to Beat the Heat!

Hydrating Sabja Refresher to Beat the Heat!

The scorching sun is upon us, and staying cool from the inside out becomes essential for our well-being.

To help you beat the heat, we bring you a refreshing drink powered by an ingredient nature designed for summer—sabja seeds, also known as sweet basil seeds. These tiny seeds can absorb up to four times their weight in water, creating a hydrating gel that replenishes lost electrolytes and supports hydration during sweltering days.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, sabja seeds go beyond hydration. They have a calming post-digestive effect on the gut, offering relief from common summer troubles like acidity and gastrointestinal discomfort triggered by heat and electrolyte imbalances.

Here’s a simple, cooling recipe that combines hydration with gut care. Give it a try, and let us know how it works for you!

Serves: 2  

Preparation Time: 5 minutes  

Total Time: 10 minutes  



  1. Soak the sabja seeds in water for about 10-15 minutes until they swell up and become gelatinous.
  2. In a blender, combine the soaked sabja seeds, fresh mint leaves, raw honey, coconut water, and water.
  3. Blend until smooth.
  4. Serve over ice cubes for a refreshing drink.


  • The combination of mint, honey, and coconut water creates a refreshing and invigorating drink, perfect for cooling down on a hot summer day.
  • Sabja seeds are rich in fiber and protein and have traditionally been used to aid digestion and relieve bloating and constipation. Mint is also known for its digestive properties, helping to soothe the stomach.

Nutritional Information Per Serving:

Total Calories: 80 kcal 

Total Carbohydrates: 15.5 g

Total Protein: 3.3 g

Total Fat: 0.3 g

Disclaimer: Please keep your healthcare provider in the loop before introducing any new food item or beauty product into your lifestyle, especially if you have a medical health condition or are on medications. In case you are allergic to certain foods, please avoid them.


You can reach out to us for expert assistance at +917059700700 

Or write to us at support@youcarelifestyle.com 

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