How Does Reading Food Labels Affect Your Gut Health?Educational BlogsHow Does Reading Food Labels Affect Your Gut Health?

How Does Reading Food Labels Affect Your Gut Health?

Ask yourself, when was the last time you flipped the packet and read its labels? 

You might think it is not important, but you should know that reading labels is the new “IMPORTANT” if you wish to stay away from health issues for a long time.

In the world of adulteration, we need to be smart as customers and not let brand claims and fake promises fool us. For instance, when recently palm oil or palmolein touched the headlines, most people were shocked by how they are consuming it almost every day without noticing. From their stack of chips to cookies and even beauty products, everything had some content of palm oil which is clearly bad for your health and especially your gut.

Now, you might think about how label reading helps your gut. Let us help you understand. 

Connection Between Gut Health and Label Reading

Let’s state the obvious first. Our gut health depends on what we eat and how carefully we eat. So, when it comes to consuming ingredients that are bad for our gut and overall health, label reading is the best solution. 

Being aware of the nasty ingredients is the best you can do for your body. So, the moment you turn the packet of the food you are about to buy, and you read one of the nasty ingredients, just leave it. 

Click here to know what all ingredients you should avoid! 

Understanding food labels can greatly benefit your gut health. These labels offer valuable insights that help you make smarter choices about what you eat and drink, whether you’re shopping or preparing meals at home. Here’s how reading food labels can help:

  • Easily compare and select the best products for your needs
  • Identify the ingredients in each food item
  • Choose foods with higher or lower amounts of specific nutrients that matter to your gut

By being aware of what’s in your food, you can better manage your health, which is crucial in reducing the risk of various conditions, including certain types of cancer like colorectal and breast cancer.

Reading nutrition labels is an effective way to gain this knowledge. While they might seem complex at first, these labels are key to making healthier choices. Opting for foods and drinks that support your gut health can also help lower the risk of other related health issues.

How to Read and Make Use of Food Labels?

Food labels are quite important yet not easily understood. Let us help you know how to read the food labels and make sense of everything to make a better choice. 

Pic credits: Freepik; Different food labels printed on packed foods

Food packages offer different kinds of information that can guide you in choosing healthy and safe foods for you. Here’s a breakdown of what you might find:

Nutrition Facts Table: This section gives details of serving size, calories, key nutrients, and the percentage of daily values (% DV). The % DV helps you understand whether a serving has a little or a lot of a specific nutrient:

  • 5% DV or less is considered a little.
  • 15% DV or more is considered a lot.

Ingredient List: This list shows all the ingredients in a product, arranged by weight. The ingredient that weighs the most is listed first, and the one that weighs the least comes last. This can help you see what the product is mostly made of and if you should avoid it. 

Nutrition Claims: These are the statements about the nutritional content or health benefits of a food. Foods with these claims must meet specific criteria, but not all qualifying foods will have them. So, even if a product doesn’t make a claim, it might still be a healthy choice. Reading more about the product and doing your study might be a great help!

Food Allergen Labelling: This information is crucial for avoiding certain allergies or sensitivities. It clearly indicates if the product contains common allergens like nuts, dairy, or gluten. So, if you are allergic to any ingredient, this will help you steer clear of doctor visits. 

Date Labelling: Dates on food packages tell you how long the product will stay fresh and safe to eat when unopened. Common date labels include “best-before,” “packaged on,” and “expiration” dates, helping you determine the product’s shelf life and safety. If you are not satisfied with the date mentioned, be firm and return the product. 

For more information on how to read labels for more mindful shopping, read this blog. 

The You Care Guide to Mindful Food Shopping

By understanding these labels, you can make informed decisions that support your health and safety.

For all the ingredients that you should avoid moving forward, visit our “NO-NASTIES page which has all the information you need to make an informed decision. 

For Clean and gut-friendly products – click here.

Disclaimer: Please keep your healthcare provider in the loop before introducing any new food item or beauty product into your lifestyle, especially if you have a medical health condition or are on medications. In case you are allergic to certain foods, please avoid them.

You can reach out to us for expert assistance at +917059700700 

Or write to us at 

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