Since 2016, our passion at Simply Delish is to transform the foods we love into healthier versions of themselves.
With busy lifestyles, it is a constant challenge to arrange quick on the go snacks that have nutritional value, and cooking at home maybe an option for only a few. We therefore inevitably reach out for the most convenient options – highly processed foods that are full of artificial additives.
At Simply Delish, our aim is to dispel the myth that healthy nutritious food and snacking cannot be convenient and tasty - we produce delightful food products, free of any artificial preservatives, colour or chemicals. Moreover, ingredients are used in their rawest possible form & our small production batches ensure that nutrition is retained in the final product.
Our products donot compromise on taste and are a healthier alternative that can help reduce the intake of highly processed packaged food.
Give yourself and your loved ones a choice to move away from junk food and enjoy these products as much as we enjoyed making them!